Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Flyingfish or Cyphelurus is a marine fish. There are many species. It is like a mackerel but Flyingfish a large fin, It is like a wing. When Flyingfish swimming at high speeds. It rise up above the water and spread out the fins. It can glide along the surface of possible distances, Depending on the size and timing. Flyingfish will glide when it's escape an enemy or panic. Flyingfish swimming speeds and rise up above the water. It will glide to the left and right, like a snake slither. Flyingfish can fly for as long as 45 seconds with an average speed of 30 km per hour. Flyingfish have a interresting and beautiful color. It was hunting close to extinction.


  1. There are still Flyingfish in the world????? I thought they were already extinct.

  2. Flyingfish still exists in the world, but they are endangered because of hunting. They are caught by fishermen and die by the swarm of light at night. We have rarely seen Flyingfish because they live in the middle of the sea.

  3. Do you have video clips? I want to see one in action.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JRrvnvmeTc&feature=watch_response

