Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fibers from Plants

There are many kinds of plants are small or large, hard and soft. Each plant has different fibers. Fiber can be used to build other things such as Jeans are made from cotton plants, Paper made from trees, Baskets are made from flax. Fiber from tree is small. This can be made into paper. The tree has strong fibers. We need to go through the process of cutting wood into small pieces, then soaked in chemical types, through the spinning process, through the cleaning chemicals process, through the fill chemical and color process and through the filter and rolled into sheets. There is also a fibers from cotton. Cotton fibers can be used to make clothing. Flax fibers are larger and stronger, so it can be used to make rope or basketry.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Flyingfish or Cyphelurus is a marine fish. There are many species. It is like a mackerel but Flyingfish a large fin, It is like a wing. When Flyingfish swimming at high speeds. It rise up above the water and spread out the fins. It can glide along the surface of possible distances, Depending on the size and timing. Flyingfish will glide when it's escape an enemy or panic. Flyingfish swimming speeds and rise up above the water. It will glide to the left and right, like a snake slither. Flyingfish can fly for as long as 45 seconds with an average speed of 30 km per hour. Flyingfish have a interresting and beautiful color. It was hunting close to extinction.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

My interest

I love nature and engineer. I love peace and I have interest in trees, plants and beautiful surroundings. I enjoy gardening and planting trees. I could feel the cold ground, the smell of the plant and exercise. It makes me feel relaxed and less stressful. Moreover, I take care of plants and plant growth. I see my flowers and plants of fruitful. It makes me feel good and want to do next. Also, I'm interested in the engineering and new technology. I'm interested in the various circuits. It can be connected together in electrical appliances and it is something to be endless. The circuit works according to my design. I can create something yourself. It gives me a realistic, comfortable and happy.

Friday, August 26, 2011

My learning

Sometimes, learning new things can cause fatigue and confusion but I think that learning is good. It makes me improve myself and knowledge is increasing. The study of English, I have the vocabulary and grammar. I do not dare to speak and write. It makes me unable to use English. When I study KMUTT. I had to learn English in a different format. This taught me the courage to speak and write English, the perception that the new. I like to read and write English, although that is not correct. I can learn English by myself even more and I am encouraged to learn English. Thank you.